Special Needs
Floor Plan
Our Customized Program
The Elevator Project can help those with special needs and have tailored each floor to accomodate the needs of those with dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyslexia.
Ground Floor: The Application Process
In addition to completing an application, you will be requested to take a basic diagnostic test. The diagnostic test is for us at The Elevator Project and for you to understand which type of learning disability and what the severity of your learning disability is.
First Floor: In-Field (Apprenticeship) Training
Once we have understood the severity of your learning disability, we will partner you up with someone who has a full-time job in the field that you want to pursue, has been through The Elevator Project Special Needs Program, and has the same or similar disability that you have. Your mentor will give you an understanding of the line of work you wish to pursue and provide valuable experience in the fiel
Second Floor: Hard Skills (Vocational) Training
In the Elevator Project, the second floor is where you attain formal certification in a trade of your choosing in a classroom, but in The Elevator Project Special Needs Program you will attain formal certification in a trade of your choosing, but you will be taught with a hands-on, individualized approach.
Third Floor: Soft Skills Training
On the third floor, one would get taught soft skills in a group class, however in The Elevator Project Special Needs Program you will get a custom class that is one-on-one and will teach you the other half of attaining a full-time job to ultimately lift yourself out of poverty. The individualized teacher will teach you soft skills in a class that will be suited to your needs.
Fourth Floor: Full-Time Job Placement
After completing the other four floors in this program you will be placed in a full time job. This job will be based upon your field of interest that you have attained certification for and will be based upon your learning disability. Your disability will not have a negative impact on the job that you attain, instead the employer will be informed of your disability and you will be placed in the job that best suits your skills.
Rooftop: Send The Elevator Back Down
Now you have a full time job, formal certification in a trade of your choosing, a lot of experience from the apprenticeship program, and soft skills training. The Elevator Project strongly believes in the quote, “If you are lucky enough to do well, it is your responsibility to send the elevator back down.” Therefore we hope that you will pay it forward, and by doing so you could become an apprentice for another applicant that has the same or a similar learning disability that you have.