Rooftop: Send the Elevator
Back Down
Welcome to the rooftop! If you are here it means that you have attained at minimum, hands-on experience through our In-Field (Apprenticeship) Training Program, a certification in a trade if you completed our Hard Skills (Vocational) Training Program, and have successfully attained a full-time job. It also means that you have made a sufficient income higher than when you began the program.
You have officially completed The Elevator Project and all that it has to offer. But before you go onto bigger and better things, don't forget that, "it's your responsibility to send the elevator back down." There are many ways you can help support our cause. One way you can pay it forward is through our Mentorship Program by coming back to help others who are pursuing the same trade you learned.
The Mentorship Program
A mentor is someone that teaches, coaches, facilitates, and challenges those in the apprenticeship program to be the best they can be to succeed in the job market. Not many people realize how much impact and influence a mentor can have on acheiving success. Mentors will be partnered with someone from the In-Field (Apprenticeship) Training Program that is planning on studying and pursuing a similar career as their mentor. The Mentor will serve as someone for the mentoree to turn to for questions and will generally work on the same site where the mentoree can watch, learn, and assist the mentor in his work.
Mentors will stay on to support an apprentice for an agreed amount of time. Mentors enjoy benefits such as gaining insight from the mentoree's background that can contribute to the mentor's personal development, and an expanding network of peers that values the mentor's professional insight.
The mentoree gains more than many people understand. They gain experience just from watching the mentor at work. There are so many things to learn that cannot be taught inside the classroom that a mentor can teach the mentoree. The mentoree alike has a friendly ear with which to share their frustrations and successes.
What if I want to be a mentor but was not a participant in the program?
We're more than greatful to accept potential mentors - even if you've already found your Rooftop!
How do I apply for the Mentorship Program?
Simply fill out our Contact Us form.
Beyond The Mentorship Program
Sending the elevator back down and paying it forward is the basis of our initiative so it is so important that you find your own way to send the elevator down, even if it does not include participating in The Elevator Project. For every step forward you take in your career, lend a hand to pull someone else up to their next step. That truly is the meaning of a community and the heart of our mission. Beyond finding your own way to pay it forward, you can also contribute to our cause through the following ways:
Our organization is funded by private and public partnerships and support of individuals. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be given via our PayPal page.
Spread the Word
Share our organization with friends, family and colleagues via social media. Connect with us:
Jose, Hard Skills (Vocational) Training Program Graduate
In His Words
I am blessed by the opportunity this education provided
to find full time employment as a contractor. It feels great to make a respectful income, provide a roof over my head, and now help mentor others going through the same process.

After completing The Elevator Project's Vocational Training Program, Jose became the mentor in the Apprenticeship Program. He and his apprentice, Mauricio, developed an amazing relationship as they worked on some of the same projects. His mentorship taught Mauricio critical skills beyond a classroom education. We thank you, Jose, for sending the elevator back down.