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What is dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a learning disability that impacts the brain’s comprehension and application of numbers and arithmetic. This learning disorder typically occurs in people of normal or above-normal intelligence, and it is not a result of an emotional disturbance. Dyscalculics have a challenge manipulating numbers and memorizing mathematical facts. Most people with dyscalculia don’t understand the logic behind numbers. They also do not know what to do with the numbers once given an operation to do.
Who is affected by dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia affects 3-6 percent of the population, of which most of those with dyscalculia live below the poverty line. More than a quarter of the people that have dyscalculia also have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Studies have shown that there are more females that have dyscalculia than males do.
How does one acquire dyscalculia?
There are four ways to get dyscalculia. First, one can acquire dyscalculia through genes because dyscalculia is hereditary. Secondly, one can obtain dyscalculia by being in a bad environment. For example, if the mother drinks alcohol a lot throughout pregnancy, the child can get dyscalculia. Thirdly, those with dyscalculia get dyscalculia because the way that their brain developed shows that there is an excess mass and volume in the brain. Finally, one can get dyscalculia by having a brain injury which is called acquired dyscalculia. Scientists that have studied the brain concluded that the ability to do math resides in the pariotempal lobes in the back of your brain. These lobes are abnormal in those that have dyscalculia.
What learning aids help those with dyscalculia?
There are many methods to help those with dyscalculia learn how to comprehend mathmatics more easily. The following are a few strategies that help combat this disability:
Multi-sensory teaching using concrete objects will help to establish abstract mathematical concepts.
Students may need specific instruction to help them understand the language and symbols used in maths.
Appropriate aids such as number squares and calculators should be available, and dyscalculics should be taught how to use them.
Computer programmes can be useful to help consolidate learning.
How do we help those with dyscalculia rise from poverty?
The Elevator Project can help those with dyscalculia because through our customized and tailored floor plan that specifically addresses the needs of those with dyscalculia. Learn more about out special needs floor plan and how it can support you here.