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Psychotic Disorders

What is an anxiety disorder?
A behavioral condition that largely encompasses irrational fear. While anxiety is often part of one’s normal life, when one has an anxiety disorder, his/her anxiety never fades, or even worsens with time. There are many types of anxiety disorders ranging from social anxiety disorder to panic anxiety disorder. Anxiety di sorders interfere with routine acts, for example relationships or work performance.
What is a psychotic disorder?
Psychotic disorders cause abnormal thinking and perceptions which affect the mind. Psychosis makes thinking clearly, making judgements, and emotional responses difficult. It is common for those with psychosis to often act in a socially inappropriate manner. Psychosis is characterized with an inaccurate understanding and relationship with reality. Types of psychosis are schizophrenia, hallucinations, or delusions.
Who is affected by psychotic disorders?
While there are no major studies done regarding the population of patients with psychosis in the United States, it is known that around 3 in every 100 people have some sort of psychotic break at one point in their lives.
How does one acquire a psychotic disorder?
The reason one gets a psychotic disorder is unknown, but it is not a result of a personality flaw, poor upbringing environment, nor a personal defect. The latest research suggests that it is a result of a myriad of factors, including different brain structuring or functioning. Furthermore, psychotic disorders are partly genetic so the probability of acquiring a psychotic disorder from a parent or both parents is greater than if one’s parents do not have a psychotic disorder.
What learning aids help those with psychotic disorders?
There are many methods to help those with psychotic disorders learn how to most get better and reduce the number of psychotic breaks. The following are a few strategies that help combat this disability:
Reflection regarding one’s day and the tasks need to complete.
Organization of one’s thoughts and clear articulation of tasks needed to complete.
Education as to when a psychotic break is about to occur and to seek immediate assistance when it does occur.
How do we help those with psychotic disorders rise from poverty?
The Elevator Project can help those with psychotic disorders because through our customized and tailored floor plan that specifically addresses the needs of those with psychotic disorders.
Learn more about special needs floor plan and how it can support you here.